Institution Profile:
Institution Address
Institution Population
Institution Photo
Use the tools below to upload an image of the building.
Institution Logo
Use the tools below to upload an image of the building.
Institution Contacts:
Command Staff |
Communication Systems |
Chain of Communication |
Command Staff:
During an emergency it is vital to have the ability to share essential information during the emergency operations. As the situation progresses it becomes vital to share information with critical internal audiences (staff and students) and with important external audiences. In most institution emergencies, a plan to communicate with the public and the media becomes an essential operational component of the situation.
Enter a description of the command staff information for your plan.
Click the "Add new record" button to add specific staff information to contact within your institution. At least two contacts must be entered to mark page complete.
Communication Systems:
During an emergency it is vital to have the ability to share essential information during the emergency operations. As the situation progresses it becomes vital to share information with critical internal audiences (staff and students) and with important external audiences. In most institution emergencies, a plan to communicate with the public and the media becomes an essential operational component of the situation.
Enter a description of the communication system information for your plan.
Click the "Add new record" button to add specific communication systems used by your institution. At least one system must be entered to mark page complete.
Plan Contributors:
The plan Author is responsible for overseeing development of the Institution Level Risk Management Plan. However, it is expected that additional leads will serve as Contributors to each plan. This page allows the plan Author to assign additional support staff to assist with the plan serving as a Contributor or Reviewer.
Access to this tool requires a valid NCID username and password. Plan Authors can use the tools below to search for users and assign respective roels (Contributor, Reviewer).
{{author.USER_ID}} |
Search and add new Contributors and Reviewers by clicking the buttons below. All users must have an NCID.
{{contrib.USER_ID}} |
{{review.USER_ID}} |
External Operations and Staging:{{UniversityPlan.SCHOOL_NAME}} |
Publish Plan:
This page will allow plan Authors at the institute level to prepare / publish an institute level Risk Management Plan. Building Specific plans (once developed, reviewed, and finalized) can be added to the institute level plan as attachments. The tools below will allow users to prepare a report using online tools.
This plan can now be Submitted to Reviewers for comments. Click the "Submit for Review" button below, then select a date by which Reviewers should complete their comments. Email notification will be sent to all reviewers assigned to this plan.
This plan can be edited. Click the button below to make all contributions complete for the current plan.
This plan is in progress and not available for review.
This plan can now be Submitted to Reviewers for comments. Click the "Submit for Review" button below, then select a date by which Reviewers should complete their comments. Email notification will be sent to all reviewers assigned to this plan.
All contributors to this plan have marked contributions complete.
This plan is in progress and not available for review.
This plan is being reviewed. Review to be completed by {{UniversityPlan.REVIEW_DATE}}.
This plan is being reviewed. Review to be completed by {{UniversityPlan.REVIEW_DATE}}.
Please complete your review of this plan by {{UniversityPlan.REVIEW_DATE}}.
Some pages in the plan have not been marked complete. Please complete all pages in order to publish your plan.
All pages of this plan have been marked complete, and the plan can now be Published. Upon clicking the "Publish Plan" button, email notification will be sent to the Institution Admin, the plan will be locked to further changes, and a final PDF plan will be produced and saved.
All Reviewers have marked their review complete on this plan. The plan no longer available for review.
This plan is locked.
This plan is locked.
This plan is locked.
Select Building Plan
The table/listing below shows available buildings on the selected campus where building level Risk Management Plans can be developed or edited. Please select a building to create, continue or publish a building specific plan.
Building Plan Status
Not Started
In Progress
External Operations & Staging
Building Profile: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
You are viewing the Building Level Risk Management Plan as a Plan Author, Contributor, or Reviewer. The Building Level Plan consists of three sections (Building Profile, Building Contacts, and Response and Recovery Procedures). This following pages allow plan Author and Contributors to enter information about the building profile. This includes the following sub-sections shown below:
Building Summary: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
Building Description
Building Capacity
Building Photo
Use the tools below to upload an image of the building.
Safety Planning: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
Enter a description of the safety planning information for your plan.
Other Information: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
Enter a description of the communication system information for your plan.
Building Contacts: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
You are viewing the Building Level Risk Management Plan as a Plan Author, Contributor, or Reviewer. The Building Level Plan consists of three sections (Building Profile, Building Contacts, and Response and Recovery Procedures). These following pages allow plan Authors and Contributors to enter information including Command Staff, Communication Systems, Chain of Command, as well as allowing for the designation of plan Contributors and Reviewers. This section if the risk management plan includes the following sub-sections shown below:
Command Staff:
During an emergency it is vital to have the ability to share essential information during the emergency operations. As the situation progresses it becomes vital to share information with critical internal audiences (staff and students) and with important external audiences. In most institution emergencies, a plan to communicate with the public and the media becomes an essential operational component of the situation.
Enter a description of the command staff information for your plan.
Click the "Add new record" button to add specific staff information to contact within your institution. At least two contacts must be entered to mark page complete.
Communication Systems:
During an emergency it is vital to have the ability to share essential information during the emergency operations. As the situation progresses it becomes vital to share information with critical internal audiences (staff and students) and with important external audiences. In most institution emergencies, a plan to communicate with the public and the media becomes an essential operational component of the situation.
Enter a description of the communication system information for your plan.
Click the "Add new record" button to add specific communication systems used by your institution. At least one system must be entered to mark page complete.
Chain of Command: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
Edit the Chain of Command information for your plan.
Plan Contributors:
The plan Author is responsible for overseeing development of the Building Level Risk Management Plan. However, it is expected that additional leads will serve as Contributors to each plan. This page allows the plan Author to assign additional support staff to assist with the plan serving as a Contributor or Reviewer.
Access to this tool requires a valid NCID username and password. Plan Authors can use the tools below to search for users and assign respective roels (Contributor, Reviewer).
{{author.USER_ID}} |
Search and add new Contributors and Reviewers by clicking the buttons below. All users must have an NCID.
{{contrib.USER_ID}} |
{{review.USER_ID}} |
Response & Recovery: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
{{hazard.HAZARD_NAME}} |
{{hazard.HAZARD_NAME}} |
{{hazard.HAZARD_NAME}} |
Prevention: {{CurrentHazardName}}
Enter a description of the prevention information for your plan.
Mitigation: {{CurrentHazardName}}
Enter a description of the mitigation information for your plan.
Preparedness: {{CurrentHazardName}}
Enter a description of the preparedness information for your plan.
Response: {{CurrentHazardName}}
Enter a description of the response information for your plan.
Recovery: {{CurrentHazardName}}
Enter a description of the recovery information for your plan.
Publish Plan: {{UniversityPlan.SCHOOL_NAME}}
Building Plan: {{BuildingSummary.BLDG_NAME}}
This page will allow plan Authors at the building level to prepare / publish an institute level Risk Management Plan. Building Specific plans (once developed, reviewed, and finalized) can be added to the institute level plan as attachments. The tools below will allow users to prepare a report using online tools.
This plan can now be Submitted to Reviewers for comments. Click the "Submit for Review" button below, then select a date by which Reviewers should complete their comments. Email notification will be sent to all reviewers assigned to this plan.
This plan can be edited. Click the button below to make all contributions complete for the current plan.
This plan is in progress and not available for review.
This plan can now be Submitted to Reviewers for comments. Click the "Submit for Review" button below, then select a date by which Reviewers should complete their comments. Email notification will be sent to all reviewers assigned to this plan.
All contributors to this plan have marked contributions complete.
This plan is in progress and not available for review.
This plan is being reviewed. Review to be completed by {{BuildingSummary.REVIEW_DATE}}.
This plan is being reviewed. Review to be completed by {{BuildingSummary.REVIEW_DATE}}.
Please complete your review of this plan by {{BuildingSummary.REVIEW_DATE}}.
Some pages in the plan have not been marked complete. Please complete all pages in order to publish your plan.
All pages of this plan have been marked complete, and the plan can now be Published. Upon clicking the "Publish Plan" button, email notification will be sent to the Institution Admin, the plan will be locked to further changes, and a final PDF plan will be produced and saved.
All Reviewers have marked their review complete on this plan. The plan no longer available for review.
This plan is locked.
This plan is locked.
This plan is locked.